Intermittent Fasting: Tips for Fitness Success

Hey there! Welcome to Vibrant Fitness! Today, we’re diving into something super interesting—intermittent fasting and how it can help with your fitness goals. If you’ve been hearing about it and wondering what it’s all about, you’re in the right place!

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Imagine you’re playing a game where you switch between two different modes: one where you eat and another where you don’t eat. Intermittent fasting is a bit like that! It’s a way of eating where you go back and forth between eating times and fasting times.

For example, you might eat for 8 hours and then fast for the next 16 hours. So if you start eating at 10 a.m., you’d stop at 6 p.m. and then not eat anything until 10 a.m. the next day. It sounds simple, right?

Why Is Intermittent Fasting Great for Fitness?

Here at Vibrant Fitness, we think intermittent fasting is pretty awesome for a few reasons. Let’s break it down:

1. Burns Fat While Keeping Your Muscles Strong

When you fast, your body needs energy, so it starts using stored fat for fuel. This can help you lose weight! Plus, fasting helps your body keep your muscles strong, especially if you’re working out.

Example: Think of your body like a car. When you don’t have food in the tank, your car uses stored fuel (fat) instead of needing to refuel right away. This helps you burn fat while you’re fasting.

2. Helps Your Body Use Carbs Better

Intermittent fasting can make your body better at using carbohydrates (like bread and pasta) for energy. This means you’ll have more energy for your workouts and feel stronger during exercises.

Example: Imagine carbs are like a superhero’s power-up. If you’re good at using them, you get a bigger boost when you work out!

3. Boosts Muscle Growth

Fasting can make a special hormone called Human Growth Hormone (HGH) go up. HGH is important for building muscle and making your workouts more effective.

Example: Think of HGH as a coach cheering you on to lift heavier weights and get stronger.

How to Plan Your Workouts Around Your Fasting Times

To get the best results from intermittent fasting, you’ll want to plan your workouts around your eating and fasting times. Here are some ideas from Vibrant Fitness on how to do that:

Workout During Eating Times

One easy way is to work out while you’re allowed to eat. This way, you can have a meal or a snack before or after you exercise.

Example: If you eat from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., you might work out at 4 p.m. so you can eat a snack before your workout and a meal after.

Workout During Fasting Times

Some people like to work out during their fasting times. This can help burn more fat and improve how your body handles carbs.

Example: If you prefer to fast from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m., you could exercise at 8 a.m. before you eat breakfast.

What to Eat During Your Eating Times

When you can eat, make sure you’re picking foods that give you energy and keep you healthy. Here’s what Vibrant Fitness recommends:

Eat Balanced Meals

Focus on foods that are good for you:

  • Proteins like chicken or beans for muscle.
  • Healthy Fats like avocado or nuts for energy.
  • Complex Carbs like whole grains for lasting energy.
  • Fruits and Veggies for vitamins and minerals.

Example: A healthy meal might be grilled chicken, quinoa, and a big salad with some fruit for dessert.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water, and if you’re sweating a lot, you might need extra electrolytes.

Example: Think of water as your body’s favorite drink. Make sure you have enough!

Combining Different Types of Exercise

For the best results with intermittent fasting, try to include both resistance training (like weightlifting) and cardio (like running or swimming) into your routine.

Resistance Training

This helps build muscle. Aim to do this 2-3 times a week.

Example: Think of lifting weights or doing push-ups as ways to grow and strengthen your muscles.

Cardio Training

This helps your heart stay healthy and burns calories. You can do this a few times a week.

Example: Running or biking is like giving your heart and lungs a workout!

Tracking Your Progress and Making Changes

To make sure you’re doing well with intermittent fasting, keep track of how you’re feeling and if you’re reaching your fitness goals. If something’s not working, don’t worry! You can always make changes.

What to Check

  • How You Feel: Are you full of energy or feeling tired?
  • Your Workouts: Are you getting stronger or having fun?
  • Your Results: Are you seeing progress in your fitness?

Example: If you’re feeling too tired, you might need to adjust your fasting or eating times.

Keep Going!

Intermittent fasting isn’t a magic trick; it’s something you do over time. Be patient and stick with it, and you’ll see results!

At Vibrant Fitness, we’re here to help you along the way. If you’re not sure what to do next, it might help to talk to a professional for advice.

Example: Just like how a coach helps you with your sport, a dietitian can guide you on your fasting journey.


So there you have it! Intermittent fasting is a cool way to eat that can help you burn fat, build muscle, and get more energy. By planning your workouts, eating the right foods, and mixing up your exercises, you can make the most of your fasting schedule.

Thanks for hanging out with us at Vibrant Fitness! We hope you’re excited to try intermittent fasting and see how it can work for you. Keep checking back for more tips and tricks to keep you on track with your fitness goals!